The Agroflor wasp protection net was developed in cooperation with vine growers to meet the specific demands for the protection of grape-vines.
The wasp protection net is produced with UV-stabilized polyethylene, which resists any weather condition. The ultra-light net is easy to handle and can be installed very early in the season to additionaly provide optimal protection from hail- and bird-damages when installed correctly.
The mesh structure of the wasp protection net is water permeability and does not impede spraying procedures. AGROFLOR wasp protection nets offer the most efficient all-round protection of valuable grape-vines.
characteristics of wasp protecion net
- complete protection when the net is properly installed
- eco-friendly, tear-resistant PE-material
- weather, water and acid proof
- temperature-resistant from -30 °C to +70 °C
- UV-stabilized
- colorfast and form steady
- suitable for multi-year usage
After the campaign for plant protection AGROFLOR wasp protection nets were installed in the grape trial at the fruit test site "Stutel". I would like to share my experiences about the trial:
The handling of the wasp protection net is very good because of the seam with knitted button holes and certain "stiffness". The nets are easy to unroll, install and roll back up. The weight is conveniently light.
The wasp protection net article no 502 with a width of 1,20m is best suitable for the growing of grapes when using the forms of growing we use,"T-growing" and "rhomb-growing". The same nets with a width of 0,75 m and 1m are ideal for trelli-growing which we are not using any more. That is why we improvised and sewed 2 small nets together to one big one.
For the "T-growing" we installed a foil as rain protection over the grapes and wasp protection nets with a width of 1,20m on each side which lead to very good results. For the "rhomb-growing" we covered the leave-wall and the grapes of each row completely with several nets fixed into each other with also very good results. The wasp protection nets also detain parts of the rain.
The water runs down on the sides.
The fixation with "S-hooks" was too complicated for us. That is why we used wire and plastic clips to install the nets. To seal the nets at the bottom we rolled the two ends of the nets together and fixed them with clips to the two vine roots. The AGROFLOR wasp protection net seems to be very steady and after one season we discovered hardly any damage. Next year we will try to protect whole rows of grapes of the "T-growing" and "rhomb-growing" with a 4m wide wasp protection net.
Bavarian regional office for winegrowing and gardening sector winegrowig and quality management
Josef Engelhart